Category Archives: Rove Reports

What Does The Jungle Say? Jungle Lingo Deciphered.

Welcome to the jungle! The conversations here are dominated by the super stars- the animals. The photographers & filmmakers are guests of honour and the forest officials have all the swag. The atmosphere is always charged, for someone new you’re bound to be a little more than lost. Now, we can’t name all the super stars, there are too many, but here’s a small directory that can start the ball rolling.

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Yin & Yang- A Wildlife Lover’s Bedlam

My night ended with a very disturbing video but this morning I woke up to some fairly brilliant news.

To focus on the good first: Nepal has fulfilled the dream for every wildlife conservationist- five 365 day cycles without a single Rhino poaching case. A sweet concoction of awareness, effective communications strategies, and engaging the local community has lead to the overall success. Read the original article on this amazing feat here.

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Jungle Spirit

My first ever safari was to Jim Corbett National Park with my family. We didn’t see a tiger but,  my heart skipped a beat at every rustle of a leaf. Even though I didn’t see a big cat that was the start of a very serious love story with the jungle.
Fast forward a few years my husband did  the crazy thing of booking a safari for our first year anniversary. We saw it then- Narsimha, a tiger on a hunt. Though we caught just a glimpse of the tiger as he darted into the long grass of Tadoba, we were hooked.
Maya, the queen of Tadoba, was our first sighting of a tiger in close quarters. Since then, the jungle and us are inseparable.
We’ve been questioned, judged and even ridiculed at our shunning of the tourist part of the world. They ask, “Why?” And I say, “Why not?”
Are we conservationists? No, at least not in the beginning. Though, now that has developed into our collective goal but that wasn’t why we started.
Well, then it has to be love for nature, right? That holds true in more ways than one. However, for me, it is the only proof of something more existing in this universe.
The feeling you get when you look into the amber eyes of a beast that is more powerful and beautiful than I will ever be. That’s the feeling I chase every time.
The proof of something spiritual, something that deserves respect. The proof of God, even.
Some find it in temples, churches and prayer rooms. I find it in the smell & dust of the jungle and the eyes of a beast looking right back at me.

Prelude To The Jungle

Hello reader! I would like this to be the first thing that you read on my blog. Just a little note about who I am and why this blog is being written, you can also treat this post as a notice for all the information and suggestions that I hope to provide in this blog.

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