My Ancient Friend

They’ve been around for at least 55 million years and will be around for 55 million more, only if we , the species that is hell bent in pushing every other species on the brink of extinction, take our environment & conservation seriously.

I remember the first time I saw a crocodile, it was on TV with the legend Steve Irwin & his team trying to rescue it. I must’ve been a 4 – 5 year old and I was amazed. What is this powerful animal that needs so many people just to hold it still it & blindfold it? I’ll never forget that day & the awe I felt.

Fast forward to 2017, my husband and I were waiting in the blistering sun for a predator to come to this pond of Gir National Park. And there it was basking in the sun completely camouflaged. Huge as he was, he still wasn’t a full grown Croc. For over an hour, he just lay there making no movement, so motionless the environment reflected his stillness. The waters of the pond became glassy, reflecting the entire Crocodile with mirror like precision. This dual beauty was truly stunning. And like with every animal that I come across, I began to wonder how such a breathtaking reptile can be pushed into extinction by us?

There are around 14 identified species of Crocodiles, the one we saw in Gir is a Mugger Crocodile. Out of the 14 at least 8 fall under Endangered, critically endangered or Vulnerable classifications. They are closely related to Dinosaurs, more than any other reptile species. Though they are protected in many parts of the world they are also commercially farmed for their meat, hide & oil.

So, how do we help this ancient friend? According to me, religion is the best weapon that an Indian conservationist can use. We are a holy bunch & anything that closely relates to our God we protect with all our might. And so we must return to the Vedas for some help. Makara, is the vahana of Goddess Ganga, Narmada & the God Varuna. Makara shaped earrings are worn by Shiva, Vishnu & Surya. Makara are also considered as guardians of gateways, they protect throne rooms as well as entryways to temples. It is this same Vedic sea creature that gives Crocodiles their Hindi name ‘Magar’. Is this argument enough to protect this prehistoric creature from the jaws of extinction? I don’t know but I do hope so.

The only other strategy is awareness and education. I’ll quote my early inspiration Steve Irwin here,“If we can teach people about wildlife, they will be touched. Share my wildlife with me. Because humans want to save things that they love.”And another one for the beautiful Crocodile,“Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first.”


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